Anti Ragging Cell

The College has set up an anti-ragging cell with faculty members of the various departments of the college. Ragging of students in any form is strictly prohibited within and outside the campus. The team looks into any matters related to ragging that might happen within or outside college premises.

An anti-ragging squad is in operation under the overall charge of the principal.Students are advised to bring cases of ragging (either on the college campus or hostel) to the notice of the principal or the staff guardians or hostel wardens. The offenders shall be liable for punishment with imprisonment up to 3-years and fines up.

Anti Ragging Committee Members (AIDED)
1. Dr. V. Balaji, Principal
Teaching Staff
2. Dr.N.Rajendran, Faculty
3. Dr.D.SelvaPandiyan, Physical Director

Anti Ragging Committee Members (SFCW)
1. Dr. V. Balaji, Principal
2. Mr.S.Kumar, Faculty In-Charge
Teaching Staff
3. Dr.P.S.Deepa, Faculty
4. Dr.K.Palanisamy, Faculty