Certificate Norms
Degree Certificate

The students should pay an amount of Rs 550/ (including provisional and convocation application cost) along with the final semester examination fee .Convocation certificates will be sent to the colleges of the students in which they have studied. Certificates will not be sent directly to the students.

Attach the following documents:

i) Demand Draft of Rs 550/- in favour of “The Registrar, Periyar University, Salem”, payable at Omalur.

ii) Attested Copies of all the Mark sheets

Provisional Certificate

Students are requested not to pay any amount for obtaining provisional certificate if they had already paid an amount if Rs 550/- during their final semester year. If a student encloses a self addressed envelope with a stamp of Rs 40/-, then the provisional certificate will be sent to his /her residence by registered post.
In case of Urgency: Provisional certificate will be issued on the same day itself to the student if the student submits a proof of urgency to the Controller of Examinations

Consolidated Mark Sheet

Consolidated Mark statement will be issued to the students automatically if they had already paid an amount of Rs 150 along with the final semester/year examination fee. The students who had not paid the consolidated statements of mark fee are requested to pay an amount of Rs 150/- through demand draft drawn in favour of “The Registrar, Periyar University, Salem”, payable at Salem.

The filled in application form should be sent to “The Controller of Examinations”, Periyar University, Salem 636 011 with the following documents

» Requisition letter
» Demand Draft of Rs 150/- in favour of “The Registrar, Periyar University, Salem”, payable at Salem.
» Attested Copies of all the Mark sheets

Duplicate Certificate

Duplicate certificates can be obtained from the office of the controller of examinations. A requisition letter addressed to the controller of examinations should be sent with a demand draft of Rs 1000/- per certificate in the favour of “The Registrar, Periyar University, Salem”, payable at Salem.

The following documents should be attached

» Requisition Letter
» Demand Draft of Rs 1000/- (Per Certificate) in favour of “The Registrar, Periyar University, Salem”, payable at Salem
» Non-Traceable certificate (Original Issued by the Police Authority)
» Attested Copies of the marks statements

The certificate will be sent to your address if a self -addressed cover of Rs 40/- is enclosed along with the application.

Rank Certificate

Rank Certificate will be issued to the students after every convocation. The names of the rank holders will be intimated to the colleges. If the students acquire ranks within top 15, the student can obtain the same by paying an amount of Rs 125/- by way of demand draft in the favour of “”The Registrar, Periyar University, Salem”, payable at Salem along with a requisition letter.

Xerox Copy of Valued Answer Scripts
  • The request for Xerox copy of the valued answer script should be sent in the prescribed application form. The Application can be had from their college or can be downloaded from the university website.
  • An amount of Rs 250/- per paper in the from of Demand Draft drawn in favour of The REGISTRAR, PERIYAR UNIVERSITY, payable at Salem
  • A candidate can apply for Xerox copies of any number of his/her answer scripts. All the paper for which Xerox copies are sought codes
  • Requisition for Xerox copy of valued answer scripts must reach the Controller of Examinations within 10 DAYS from the date of publication of results
  • Incomplete / defective application will be rejected and the fees paid for Xerox copy of the answer script will neither be refunded nor adjusted towards any fee due to the University or in the future as well as subsequent request if any, for Xerox copy of this or any other answer script.