Exam Fees Details
S.NoName of CourseTheory per Paper (Rs.)Common Paper Environmental Science/Human Rights (Rs.)Practical/Paper (Rs.)Project/ Dissertation and viva voce (Rs.)
1All UG Arts and Science656565 (for 3 hr)130 (for 6 hr)100
2All PG Arts and Science150150150(for 3 hr) 210(for 6 hr)225
S.No. Details Fees
1 Cost of Exam Application 25
2 Statement of marks 50
3 Provisional and Convocation Certificates 600
4 Re-Totaling (Each Paper) 200
5 Revaluation(Each Paper) 250
6 Transparency 250
7 Last submission of application 100
8 Correction of Mark sheets(Each) 250
9 Change of Name 200
10 Correction in Provisional certificate 325
11 Consolidated Mark sheet 300
12 Consolidated Mark sheet 300
13 Correction in Degree Certificate 800
14 Any duplicate Certificate 1100
15 Rank Certificate 600