The following fees are payable to the university at the time of admission for UG/PG
1. University examination registration fees:
For degree courses: Rs.60/-
For P.G courses: Rs.90/-
2. Recognition fee for U.G courses
Higher secondary examination of tamil nadu Rs.125/-
Higher secondary examination or a similar exam or any other exam conducted by other accredited statutory agencies /universities in India Rs.300/-
Examination conducted by university /other accredited bodies outside India Rs.2050/-cost of application form for applying for recognition Rs.50./
3. Matriculation fee:
U.G – Rs.30/-
P.G – Rs.50/-
4. University sports fees:
For UG and PG courses (each year of study) – Rs.30/- per annum
5. University library fees: Rs.20/- per annum
6. Cultural and youth festival fees (For UG and PG courses): Rs.15/-
7. Development of infrastructural facilities in the universities for U.G and P.G courses: Rs. 30/-
8. Administration fees:
U.G – Rs.75/-
P.G – Rs.50/-
Other Fees:
1. National service fees Rs.4/-(for UG courses)
2. Higher secondary examination marks verification fees Rs.10/-
3. Flag day fees: Rs.5/-
4. Indian red cross fees: Rs.5/-
Note: this is payable to the government at the time of admission
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